Popup Xtra castmember functions: setMenu (member memberID, string menuText) set the text of the menu definition getMenu (member memberID) get the text of the current menu clearMenu (member memberID) clear the entire menu definition refreshMenu (member memberID) refresh the menu definition based on the current setting for the menuField property redraw(member memberID) redraws the sprite on the stage which should be called whenever the palette changes appendItem (member memberID, string menutext, string menuspec) append a menu item to the menu definition insertItem (member memberID, string menutext, string menuspec) insert a menu item in the menu definition deleteItem (member memberID, string menuspec) delete a menu item from the menu disableItem (member memberID, string menuspec) disable a menu item in the menu definition enableItem (member memberID, string menuspec) enable a menu item in the menu definition getItem (member memberID, string menuSpec) get the menu item stored in a specific place in the menu definition setItem (member memberID, string menuspec, string menuText) set the menu item stored in a specific place in the menu definition clearMarks (member memberID) clear all marks stored for the selected menu items setBackcolor (member memberID, indexValue or rgbValue) set the background color of the menu and sprite setForecolor (member memberID, indexValue or rgbValue) set the foreground color of the menu and sprite setItemMark (member memberID, string menuspec, integer markType) set the item mark stored for the specified menu item setItemStyle (member memberID, string menuspec, integer styleCode) (Macintosh only) set the style appearance of a specific menu item of the menu getBackcolor (member memberID) returns the indexed background color value getForecolor (member memberID) returns the indexed foreground color value getItemMark (member memberID, string menuspec) returns the item mark for the specified menu item getItemStyle (member memberID, string menuspec) (Macintosh only) returns the style appearance of a specific menu item of the menu